Stretch Your Faith-Saturdays

SATURDAYS : 9:00-10:00a : Room 200

Co-Ed. Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? (1 Cor. 6:19, NIV) Join us for a Christ-centered yoga practice that will help connect the whole you-body, soul and spirit-in the worship of Christ.

Stretch Your Faith-Saturdays

SATURDAYS : 9:00-10:00a : Room 200

Co-Ed. Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? (1 Cor. 6:19, NIV) Join us for a Christ-centered yoga practice that will help connect the whole you-body, soul and spirit-in the worship of Christ.

Divorce Care Group

THURSDAYS : 7:00-8:30p : Room 301 :

Begins February 1

 Divorce Care is a safe place where caring people come alongside you as you find healing from the pain of separation or divorce. At this 13-week, video-based support group program, you'll find helpful counsel to manage the emotional turmoil and practical tools for decision-making. 


Living Like Sheep in an Elephant/Donkey World


WEDNESDAYS : 7p : Main Worship Center: Begins April 10

This class is designed to give us a clearer understanding of OUR CALL and RESPONSIBILITY as SHEEP in this WORLD who belong to the Good Shepherd– Jesus (John 10). Please register online.

The Mom Community Thursday Evening

THURSDAYS: 7:00-9:00p: Rooms 302/303

MOPS/MOMS Next is now The Mom Community, or The MomCo launching  in 2024. The MomCo at CFC welcomes all moms into the community local moms looking for connection.  Join us for our 2024 evening group for Moms with infants - High School age kids. We will kick off the new year, Thursday, January 4, 2024.

The Mom Community Friday Mornings

FRIDAYS : 9:30-11:30a : Rooms 302/303

MOPS/MOMS Next is now The Mom Community, or The MomCo launching in 2024. The MomCo at CFC welcomes all moms into the community of local moms looking for connection.  Join us for our 2024 morning group for Moms with infants - High School age kids. We will kick off the new year, Friday, January 5, 2024.

Wed Night Childcare Nursery-K

WEDNESDAYS : 7:00p : NURSERY-K ONLY : Room 200

If you are attending SpringWednesday Night classes, childcare is available for Nursery-Kindergarten aged children. Please drop off your child in Room 200. This option is only available from April 10-June 5.  You must register  your child (ren).

Band of Brothers

SATURDAY : JUNE 8 : 8a : CFC Lobby


Guest speaker: Mike Haynes, CFC Director of Student Ministries, will speak on "The Significance of Your Significance". All men are welcome. A full breakfast buffet will be served. Please register online to aid food planning. Parking: please use the back lot and enter through the West doors.

International Food Fest and Kids Rodeo


FRIDAY : AUGUST 2 : 5:30-8:00  : CFC 

Rain Date August 16

Hosted by CFC's Glocal Ministry. Bring the family for a fun filled evening and some great food. Challenge your friends to a game of cornhole.  Kids can participate in the "Horse" races, water games and other fun activities. Prizes for the kids along with a raffle for the adults.   FREE hot dog and chips for kids 12 and under. Click the graphic for list of food vendors.

Worship Night


WEDNESDAY : AUGUST 7 : 7:00-8:30p : MWC

Hosted by CFC's Worship Ministry. Family friendly worship and praise night. Come enjoy the music of  the CFC Worship Team. This is the last Summer Family Event.  

Mid-Nite/U-Nite Gathering

WEDNESDAYS -  7:00-8:30p : Rooms 304/305

Middle and High Schoolers-Join us at CFC for a mid-week gathering of hang out time, games, Bible-centered discussions and worship.