Global Outreach

The Road Less Traveled

 It is the heartbeat of God that everyone is redeemed and Jesus commands his followers to go everywhere and tell everyone the Good News. We know that it’s not always possible for everyone to travel halfway around the world in order to provide help where help is needed, and there are different seasons of life that make it possible, or not. But there are those who are in the right season, those who seek out adventure, those who have wanderlust and love to travel, those who love to meet people from around the world, those who want to serve using their unique gifts, those who take the road less traveled, and it’s you who are called to go.

 What does it look like to go on a mission trip? We strive to focus our efforts to do the things Jesus did during His ministry time on earth. It looks like coming alongside an indigenous pastor or leader and serving through community development like installing clean water filters, teaching English, playing with families, starting soccer leagues, praying with people and generally sharing the Good News of Jesus. Sometimes it’s working with organizations who serve a particular kind of need like Joni and Friends who recycle wheelchairs and deliver them to global communities where there is a great lacking and they need people who are mechanics and physical therapists who work together to rebuild a chair for a specific person – to give them mobility while demonstrating the love of Jesus.

Global Missions at CFC

Mike Trivett and Jason Wall share about the heart of Global Missions here at CFC

Support CFC Global Missions

If you have a heart for Missions here are some ways you can play a key role in the work CFC is doing:



