Take a Class

Square One
Get to know CFC, how to become a member, or how to go deeper in your faith.
This 4-week class is designed to introduce you to the mission, vision, and values of CFC. Dig into the unique gifting, passions, and personality that God has placed in you and discover the people and places that need the exact thing you were created to offer. Learn the importance of sharing your story – both with the people in your day-to-day who need hope and the ones God has placed in your life to help you maintain that hope.
Square One is for everyone, whether you’re new to faith in Jesus, new to CFC, or have a long and familiar relationship with both.
Spiritual Growth
Spiritual growth is a personal journey. It’s also a journey that should not be taken alone. At CFC, we are dedicated to the process of helping each person become a mature, Spirit-directed disciple of Jesus Christ. To that end, we encourage everyone to participate in 4 foundational experiences that help to cultivate community, deepen your relationship with God, and experience the abundant life Jesus promises.

Rooted is a powerful 10-week small group experience that will connect you more deeply to God, to His purpose for your life and to your church community.
ROOTED continues to build on the four spiritual disciplines or “rhythms” introduced in Square One – Daily Devotion, Prayer, Sacrificial Generosity, and Sharing Your Story. ROOTED also introduces the remaining three rhythms central to a mature spiritual life – Breaking Strongholds, Serve the Community, and Celebration.
With daily reading in the Rooted workbook and weekly small group time, plus three large group experiences, these 10 weeks can truly be life changing.
*Rooted groups are traditionally launched together in both the spring and fall, though individual groups may be able to launch at other points in the year with sufficient interest.

finding life in the scriptures
How can I engage the Scriptures in a way that produces both knowledge and transformation? How can I read the Bible so that I grow in both understanding of the text and understanding of my identity as a son or daughter of God? In these 10 weeks, we will begin to explore the structure and authority of the Bible, while also introducing techniques and developing skills that help us to experience the power of God’s written word in our daily life.
*Finding Life in the Scriptures is offered in both the spring and fall on Wednesday nights.

Following God’s Voice
Having a close, personal relationship with God means talking to Him – sharing the thoughts of our heart and mind – and hearing and understanding what He is saying to us. We are wired to hear from our Heavenly Father in a very personal way, and yet that part of the conversation can often feel like a challenge. Over these 10 weeks, we will uncover the thoughts and behaviors that can lead us to believe God is silent, gain confidence in the ways God chooses to communicate, and provide space to experience the loving, creative, transformational communication that is the birthright of every son and daughter of God.
*Following God’s Voice is offered in both the spring and fall on Wednesday nights.