
We are a Spirit-directed church discipling people to know Jesus as Lord
Come VisitWatch Messages


Too often church seems like it is designed for people who have it all together. But if you have ever messed it up, blown it up or screwed it up, you are not alone. Each of us has. We don’t have it all together but we want to follow the one who does – Jesus. No matter your past, present or future, you are welcome here.

– Brian Bales, Lead Pastor

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Igniting a passion to become an indispensable part of our community.

Experience CFC

Sunday Mornings

In person at 9:30a & 11:00a
Watch from home at 9:30 & 11:00a 

Nuestra congregacion
Hispana Invita a su Servicio en Español los domingos a la 1:15p.

Wednesday Nights

Offered throughout the year, our 10-week classes will help you grow in your relationship with God, build friendships and help you to find community. There are also age appropriate classes for 1st-12th grades.

Community Groups

We know that life can get busy. That is why we invite you to explore, connect and find a group that fits your schedule.

Wednesday Nights @ CFC 7p Begins Jan 22


current sermon series

We must know Jesus in order to live the life he wants for us. Yet, knowledge of what God’s desires is not enough. We must act on it.


Weekly Resources: