Jail Ministry

Jail Ministry
The mission of CFC’s Jail Ministry is to serve the needs of incarcerated men and women, and their families, primarily in the Loudoun County geographic area, by bringing them hope through the Gospel of Jesus Christ and addressing material and emotional support needs during and after incarceration in partnership with organizations in Northern Virginia.
CFC is the coordinator of the Emmaus Bible study curriculum which we offer to every resident of the Loudoun County Adult Detention Center (ADC).
Levels of Commitment
Our ministry includes pre-release; post-release; and family support. As God leads you, you can be involved by being a regular prayer warrior, Bible correspondence course grader, or a Bible study leader or mentor. Training, coaching, and encouragement are provided for all involved.
All of the areas below; but Spanish-speaking or bilingual (English- Spanish) – Continuing expansion of ministry efforts has identified Spanish-speaking ADC residents (both men and women) as an area where Spanish-speaking or bilingual volunteers can be invaluable to the spiritual development of those individuals.
For more information, please email jailministry@cfcwired.org

Prayer Warrior
Prayer requests from residents at the Loudoun County ADC and other Department of Corrections (DOC) facilities, and from ministry team members are made available weekly on a confidential basis to Jail Ministry prayer team warriors.

Emmaus Correspondence/ Course Grader
Grader / commenter team members use a combination of Emmaus-provided automated grading capability and review of student answers to written questions to grade / comment / and encourage students as they complete courses and submit course answer sheets.

In-person one-on-one discipling / mentoring
These team members are responsible for one-on-one discipling / mentoring of from one to no more than three same gender incarcerated individuals at the Loudoun County ADC. Background check / interview / training required by the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office for this role and access to ADC residents “through the glass”.

In-facility (Loudoun County Adult Detention Center) Bible study leader
As volunteers you will lead in-facility / in-person Bible studies using CFC-developed lesson plans based on Emmaus Bible courses for four-week classes of small groups of residents on a weekly basis. Background check / interview / training required by the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office for this role and access to ADC residents in a secure in-person environment.